Monday, August 3, 2015

I am still moving forward just slower....

Losing Tears in Libby.

I have a friend who told me, before coming to Libby, that in Hebrew Libby means "my heart" and I took this as a good omen. When I decided to title this blog "Losing Tears in Libby, Montana" it translates to losing tears in my heart.

I do not wish to leave Libby feeling lost and broken. I have met amazing people here who have encouraged me to keep going forward. Today, is a challenging day so I apologize in advance to my readers. I wish to write happy and upbeat but it is Monday and life has dealt me another blow. I just learned that my checking account was closed.... I have never been without a checking account so this should be interesting. I am trying to sell my stuff and I have sold a few things and raised a little money. I think a lot of my stuff will end up in a storage unit later this week and that is not entirely too bad. It will be like Christmas when I see them, again.

I am taking a break from college. This journey began with the desire to finish school and the finish line is in sight but at this very moment I have to take a brief break until I figure out where I am going, how I will get there and get things up and running again. I am not quitting the race just taking one of those water breaks because I am exhausted and perhaps a bit dehydrated. I wrote about the marathon runner who had always wanted to run the marathon but quit when it got too hard. I am not that runner I am the one who will keep going even if I sprain my ankle and have to crawl to finish. So what if it takes 10 hours, right? I am taking a brief break from school, I can still see the finish line but this is that moment in which I have sprained my ankle and have to slow my pace to near crawl.

I am heading west to destination unknown. This chapter is about to close in a few days and a lot of my life will go silent. Until then, I will keep posting and thanking you for following along and being by my side during this painful leg of my journey.


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