Wednesday, August 19, 2015

I don't believe in coincidences

I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe that everything leads to something else and I have a perfect example of that today….

Friday morning I took a written driver license test so that I may obtain a Montana license and finally get on the road Saturday for Eugene, Oregon. I had a great weeks stay in a camper and the owners were going to Colorado and we would be going our separate ways.  Or so I thought…… I missed the last question on the test and the attendant told me that I had I gotten that question right I would have been on my way.  I left the testing site knowing I would have nowhere to stay starting Saturday.

I woke Saturday morning and told the family who allowed me to stay in their camper what had happened and admitted that I would be okay. There was another family who had invited me to stay in their pop up camper. Everything would work out the way it was meant. I drove Saturday morning to a very rural road in Troy, Montana following the directions of this new family and to my surprise I drove onto a dump site. That is when I realized it was not a dump site but instead the place in which this family had called home. The pop up camper was the first thing I saw and it had seen better days many years ago. I knew I was not going to be able to stay with this family. I may be without a place to live but I had my Jeep and my dogs a tent and sleeping bag and we could stay in a campground and be a bit more comfortable. I thanked the family for their generosity and left. I felt a little ashamed because I couldn’t imagine anyone living in the conditions that they were living. I looked at their children and saw how happy they were and realized that they had more than I had at that moment. They had a roof over their head, they had food to eat, they had electricity and a stove to cook on and they had their dogs. The condition or shape of that roof did not matter to the children they were happy that they were all together.

I drove to a park and asked for the nearest campground and the park host suggested I rent his yurt. I had only seen yurts in National Geographic magazine and thought they were interesting and when I went to the yurt in this park I knew it would be perfect. It did not have water or a kitchen but it had electricity and peace. It was on the river’s edge in a secluded area of the park.  The dogs loved it and so did I. I slept the first couple of days because it was so quiet and calm. I was grateful that a friend had sent enough money for me to afford the yurt.

Okay, this was the weekend but things happened that I cannot explain other than faith. A friend suggested I just stay in the yurt until I get the driver license. It was only for a few days. I told her I would have to cash a check and tried but the teller would not cash the check because of my expired license. I was with a friend and when we got back to her car I received a text message from my family in Omaha and they had raised enough money and wanted to know how to send it to me. My friend looked at me and said, “Wow, someone is really looking out for you.” We went to Western Union and picked up the money and I was able to pay a few additional nights in the yurt.

True someone might say this is just perfect timing but that is not all…..

On Tuesday, I was studying for the Montana Driver License written exam. I was reading the manual and could not find the information on the question that had caused me to stay an extended time in Montana. This puzzled me because I was told all of the questions came from the manual. I decided to contact the Montana MVD and ask what page I could find the information. I was certain I would not miss this question again but I wanted to know where I could find the answer in the manual because I had the current manual and I could not locate the page. I was transferred to a few people and in the end had to leave a message. Hours later, I received a call from a Montana MVD representative apologizing for any inconvenience because this question was not in the manual. I told her that I had planned on driving to Eugene, Oregon on Saturday and had to change my plans to accommodate retaking the test on Wednesday. She said she would call the testing site and grant me a pass on the written exam but I still had to take the driving test.  I hung up the phone and could not believe my luck. I could have been gone and starting my new life in a new city. True it would not be easy but it would be a start and Montana would be behind me.

Early Wednesday morning, I began to dream and in my dream I kept talking about Portland, Oregon. When I woke I asked God if I was meant to go to Portland because I had planned on going to Eugene.  Then it occurred to me that if it were meant for me to go to Eugene I would have passed the written test on Friday. I could not explain why the test had a question that did not belong. I could not explain why I had been delayed. I called a dear friend of mine and asked what she thought because it felt a bit bizarre and had it not happened I would have thought this was a joke. She immediately laughed and said, “This is how it all works out, you are going to Portland.”

Things are happening around me that I am not able to explain. There are so many people praying for me and I can feel the energy resonating around my body. I was in the grocery store and a stranger looked at me and said that I was beautiful, she said that she could tell that I really believe in God.  I think the positive energy is beginning to glow as I shine.

Faith is amazing, I have a long journey ahead and I am taking one step at a time, one moment at a time and one day at a time.  Thank you for following along with me on this leg of my journey. Tomorrow, I will close Losing Tears in Libby because all of the tears have been shed and are now lost and the new chapter of my life begins.

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